020. the parent trap trick

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chapter twenty

A knock at Athena's balcony the next day caught her attention

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A knock at Athena's balcony the next day caught her attention. She was once again sat on her bed trying to catch up on her summer maths homework but it was still not working. She so desperately needed more tutoring from Pope. She stood up from her bed, pulling her red summer dress down, the pink bikini underneath not needing to be shown.

"Hey." Athena greeted JJ as she let him into her bedroom. "John B just took Sarah somewhere, what's going on?"

"John B came up with an idea to get Kie and Sarah to forgive each other." JJ told her.

"Oh yeah. What?" Athena asked.

"We're putting them on a broken down boat on the marsh together." JJ stated.

"The parent trap trick." Athena gasped. "Genius."

"Yeah." JJ smiled at her. "But we need your help getting Kie because she kind of hates John B right now and we need to be inconspicuous and you're the most trustworthy."

Athena let out a laugh. "Sure I'll do it."

The two then left the Cameron household, Athena meeting JJ around the front of the house. She hoped on the back of his bike, going back to the Chateau where Pope was waiting for them. After dropping JJ off with John B on the stranded boat, the two friends headed towards Kie's house.

"Code red!" Pope called out to Kie, who was walking down the dock to the HSM pogue.

"What the hell is going on?" Kiara asked.

"Okay, JJ and John B conked out in the marsh." Pope explained.

"Uh, okay, well what does that have to do with me?" Kie questioned, stepping onto the boat next to Athena.

"We need you for mechanical." Pope lied very badly.

"Mechanical." Kie nodded, unconvinced.

"And I cant deal with these boys by myself Kie, I literally need you." Athena smiled at her innocently. The curly haired girl titled her head to the side for a second, almost as if she was wondering if she could believe Athena – the girl wasn't actually lying, she had no idea how Kie managed to deal with the three boys by herself because she wouldn't be able to do it – before she let a smile spread across her face, hugging her best friend.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now