026. he killed my dad

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chapter twenty sixHE KILLED MY DAD

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chapter twenty six

"John B pulling a Houdini!" JJ exclaimed

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"John B pulling a Houdini!" JJ exclaimed. He was sitting at the edge on the hot tub with Athena between his legs. The two had slept in the guest bedroom the night, cuddling under the sheets and passing out from exhaustion from the long day. They woke up that morning, smiles on their faces as they looked at one another – JJ was happier than Athena, his dream since he was twelve finally coming true and now all he wanted to do with wake up next to the blonde every day. Athena had stolen another one of JJ's t-shirts and an old pair of shorts that Kie had left there a few days ago.

The two had decided to walk to the nearest shop and find some breakfast, which despite JJ declining profusely, Athena paid for. And when they got back to the Chateau they found Kie and Pope waiting for them with teasing smiles on their faces before they got to work with finishing the wagon to get the gold.

"Yeah, where is he?" Pope questioned, slowly lowering Kie down from where she sat in the bucket. "I got my scholarship interview tomorrow. We gotta get this done!"

"Speak of the devil. Hey!" JJ exclaimed as John B appeared from behind them. Athena could tell just by the look on his face and how he completely ignored them, there was something up with her friend. "Dude, I set the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."

Athena hit his shoulder playfully at the lie while Pope corrected him. "No, he did not. I did that."

"Hey John B!" Kiara yelled out but he ignored her, walking straight past them and inside the Chateau.

"Okay, that's it?" JJ questioned as Athena stood up, looking between the three in confusion.

"Uh... what's that all about?" Pope asked, looking over at JJ, who shrugged just as surprised as the rest of them.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." JJ replied, stepping out of the hot tub and standing next to Athena. The girl gave them all one last look before walking inside after John B. Upon walking inside, the blonde raised an eyebrow upon seeing the boy rummaging around, through different drawers and cabinets.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now