004. we thought you were dead

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chapter four we thought you were dead

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chapter four
we thought you were dead

Athena woke up the next morning to Kie shaking her awake

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Athena woke up the next morning to Kie shaking her awake. She groaned slightly, sitting up slightly and looked over to her friend. Singh had given them silk pyjamas to sleep in, Kie in a purple pair and Athena in a matching red pair. The two girls had shared the bed while they forced Rafe to sleep on the floor.

"Thena, hey. I have a plan." Kie told her.


"To get out of here, okay? Just go with me, all right?" Athena nodded, moving to get out of the bed as Kie walked over to the window and began knocking on it, trying to get the guard's attention. "Hey! Hey. I need to talk to Mr Singh. Hey, go get Mr Singh."

"What are you doing?" Asked a now awake Rafe.

"Hey, you! I need to talk to Mr Singh." Kie continued knocking on the window.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." Rafe scrambled up, moving over to stand in front of Kie. "Hey. What are you doing?"

"Like I owe you an explanation." Kiara retorted quickly.

"Think for a second!" Rafe told her. "Kie, what are you doing?"

Athena walked over to the door when Kie was, the girl hitting the door. "Hello?"

"Hey! What're you doing?"

"Don't talk to me!" Kie exclaimed, stopping Rafe in his tracks.

Rafe moved so he was standing opposite Kie and Athena. "You're lying about this diary thing. You know where it is."

"No, we don't." Athena huffed, going to sit back on the bed, Kie following her.

"You don't? Okay." Rafe nodded, not believing her at all.

"You wish." Kie commented.

"Okay, listen, I wouldn't tell me either." Rafe said as Kie tried knocking on the window again. "But he's never gonna believe we don't know something, all right? Singh killed that—"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now