010. normal

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chapter tennormal

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chapter ten

The next day the group found themselves back at the Chateau, everyone celebrating Big John's fabulous return

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The next day the group found themselves back at the Chateau, everyone celebrating Big John's fabulous return. Athena watched with a small smile on her face as JJ as he jumped on Big John happily, glad to have his only good father figure back in his life after so long. After the niceties were out of the way, the group sat around as they listened to where John B was the day before.

"Yeah, yeah, so we, um... we went to the archives in Charleston, and uh..." John B trailed off for a moment. "It was, uh... it was a dead end. A dry hole. So..."

"So that's the gold, the cross and now El Dorado. We're three-for-three, guys." Pope turned and launched the small rock he was holding out into the marsh. "The streak continues. That's great."

Kie followed after Pope, "See ya John B."

"I'm going fishing. Thanks for the beer." JJ stood up, placing the beer on the tree stump next to him before leaving.

"Bye John B." Sage was next to get up.

Athena sat in silence for a moment, watching Big John, who was watching John B. She knew the boy, he was basically her brother after all and Athena was a people watcher, she saw things people didn't. And John B was not himself, and Big John was watching him carefully as if waiting for him to trip up and say something wrong.

She let out a small sigh, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder as she stood up. "Ima head out but I'm here if you ever wanna talk."

The girl waved goodbye, sending Sarah a small smile before she grabbed her bike from where it was stood and got on it. She rode towards Figure Eight, stopping outside the lodge that Dorota was staying in. She walked up to the door, opening it and walking inside.

"Dorota, I'm home." She called.

"Miss Athena." Dorota smiled, walking into the hallway from the kitchen.

"I think we've gotten to the point in our relationship where you can just call me Athena." Athena stated, walking over to the woman.

"It would be strange." Dorota commented.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now