012. the chateau's on fire

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chapter twelve the chateau's on fire

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chapter twelve
the chateau's on fire

The next day, Athena woke up once more in her bed at Dorota's lodge

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The next day, Athena woke up once more in her bed at Dorota's lodge. She got out of her bed, shoving her hair up into a ponytail and putting on a pair of black jean shorts and an oversized cream shirt. The blonde tucked the front left bit of the shirt into her shorts to make it look better as the shirt was longer than her shorts.

She walked out of her bedroom and onto the front porch where Dorota sat, reading a book on the sofa that was there. Dorota sent her a smile.

"How was the party yesterday?" Dorota asked her.

"It was good, um, a bit crazy actually." Athena sighed. "Sarah told JB about Topper and John B was mad. He was about to walk away when Topper made some comment that obviously angered him further and he snapped. Beat the guy to a pulp."

"He got what was coming to him." Dorota commented making Athena laugh softly.

"But I don't know, John B and JJ were there for a reason and something in me is telling me it was important, about El Dorado but no one's told me anything. For once since I've become friends with the pogues, I am out of the loop." Athena stated. "And I know I said I wanted to be normal but I said that for one night and that I would be 100% in if something extreme happened, I would abandon normal for them a-and obviously something has happened but no one has told me. I think Sage knows more than I do."

"I'm sure they'll tell you soon Athena." Dorota reassured.

"I don't know." Athena shook her head. "Sarah probably off saving John B from the Thornton's pressing charges, Kie is dealing with her family, Cleo and Pope are a duo because they live together and Sage is probably somewhere smoking with JJ or something because they're best friends now and I'm so alone. And anyway, since the island, the pogues haven't felt like the pogues, it's like something shifted."

"They love you Athena, I know." Dorota told her. "You are their own little piece of sunshine. It wouldn't be the pogues without you. Someone will come and get you, I know. Trust me."

"I trust you more than anyone else in the world." Athena smiled.

"Yo, Thena." A voice called. The two looked up to see Sage bouncing towards them. "Wasn't last night absolutely crazy!"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now