003. execution style

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chapter three execution style

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chapter three
execution style

The party that was seemingly being thrown by the pogues was on the boneyard

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The party that was seemingly being thrown by the pogues was on the boneyard. It was a popular place, where many of the parties were held, it being like no man's land, a place where pogues, kooks and tourons could socialise usually without any friction. Many people were at the party already by the times the Camerons and Topper had arrived, people filling the sandy shores.

Athena knew she needed a drink as she watched Sarah and Topper wander off, their sickening love filled laughter filling in air. Athena moved towards the keg, seeing John B stood behind.

"Hey John B." Athena greeted the boy. John Booker Routledge was known for being leader of the pogues. He was tall with floppy brown hair, a cheeky grin always plastered to his face, and had an unusual habit of shooting finger guns at everybody. "Please give me a drink."

"Your wish is my command Miss Cameron." John B handed her a red solo cup. John B and Athena knew off each other, the boy working for her father and so they would often see each other around the estate.

Athena then turned, searching the area. She spotted Kiara talking to some cute boy, and Sarah was now climbing on a destroyed lifeguard post, Topper running after her scared. The blonde huffed, continuing to look around, noticing JJ chatting to some touron. Pope was doing the same but a lot less successfully, a frown on his face as she walked off.

Athena made her way over to the boy, sitting down on the log next to him, a sympathetic smile on her way. Pope turned to face her, his eyes practically telling her not to look at him that way.

"Hey Pope." She greeted.

"Hey Thena." He smiled.

"I heard you ditched your dad, left me to do all the work." Athena playfully pushed his shoulder.

"You went and helped my dad?" Pope turned to her in surprise.

Athena laughed slightly. "Yeah, some of us don't have friends to ditch their parents for."

"Hey, I'm your friend." Pope defended. "I'll help you with more homework as a thank you."

"How about, hear me out," Athena pointed a finger at him with a raised eyebrow. "as a thank you, you do my summer homework for me."

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now