008. did he stomp?

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chapter eightdid he stomp?

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chapter eight
did he stomp?

After eating all of the food and having the best time since freshman year, the boys and Athena bid goodbye to Kie, who was staying at the Wreck so she could go home with her parents

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After eating all of the food and having the best time since freshman year, the boys and Athena bid goodbye to Kie, who was staying at the Wreck so she could go home with her parents. The group got into the van, driving down the road to drop Pope back off home, which they did successfully, saying goodbye to the boy, who hugged Athena before he jumped out of van and headed towards his house.

John B then began driving to Figure Eight to drop Athena off. She smiled sadly at the sight of the rich houses and families, knowing that she had to re-enter the world she was born into. The girl was sat in the passenger seat, playing with the necklace that hung around her neck, feeling a sense of sadness at the thought that her incredible day was over. She turned to face John B telling him to drop her off a bit away so her dad or brother didn't suspect anything.

John B nodded, stopping just down the road from her house, turning and smiling at her, "Welcome this is your stop, Miss Cameron."

"Thank JB." She smiled, "See you later."

John B waved as she opened the door and jumped out. She turned, about to start walking away when her voice was called. She spun on her heel to see JJ behind her.

"Um—" His words died in his throat. He didn't really know what he wanted to actually say to her, he just didn't want the night to be over, he didn't want her to leave. She looked at him curiously and slightly confused. He coughed, "Thanks for helping us."

Athena nodded and she seemed... disappointed, almost, like she had expected him to say something else, "No problem. Thanks for an exciting afternoon. I hope your treasure hunt goes well."

"Well, I'm sure Kie wouldn't mind if you came along again." JJ told her with a small smile.

Of course Kie wouldn't mind, in fact JJ knew she'd be delighted if Athena joined their treasure hunt because not only did Kiara love Athena, even if she did hate her sister for some reason, but it meant that Kie wouldn't have to deal with the three boys alone. JJ had only said that in hopes that would come along again because he wanted her there – not that he'd ever say that to her, his reputation and all that – he wanted to see her again, without having to be some creepy guy who watches her from afar.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now