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chapter thirty three
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter thirty threeYOU'RE OKAY┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Never in her entire life did Athena think she would be sat at a table with Topper, Kelce and another random kook girl, while they discussed how John B deserved to die. She sat, playing with her necklace, while Topper, who was next to her, put his on the back of her chair, rubbing her shoulder to try and calm her down.

"John B got what was coming to him, and it saved them the expense of a trial." The kook girl spoke as JJ poured them their drink, his head down hiding his clearly angered expression. "I'm just saying John B's going to hell for what he did to Sheriff Peterkin."

"Guys, they're still investigating." Topper stated, trying to get them to stop talking.

"Yeah, I don't know why." The girl said. "It's obvious who did it."

"Yeah, exactly." Kelce agreed.

"John B didn't do it." Athena suddenly spoke angrily, everyone on the table turning to look at the girl, who hadn't said anything since they had gotten there. JJ looked up, noticing the anger and sadness in the girl's eyes; it was the same look she had when he had gotten arrested and Shoupe judged him on where he was from.

"Who did it then Athena?" The girl asked.

"Rafe." She shrugged.

"Oh yeah sure." Kelce nodded sarcastically, not believing her. "God, you're crazy."

"Shut up!" JJ exclaimed, turning to the group.


"Shut up, Top!"

"JJ, just walk away. It's not the time." Topper tried but JJ ignored him.

"I don't think we were talking to you Pogue." Kelce sneered.

"Oh god." Athena braced herself, watching as JJ grabbed a cup, tapping it to get everyone's attention.

"Can I have everyone's attention, please? I have a little announcement to make!" JJ exclaimed, everyone turning to him. "My best friend, John B didn't kill Sheriff Peterkin! Rafe Cameron killed and shot the sheriff in cold blood! That's what happened."

Kelce scoffed, slow clapping. "Wow."

"Is that so hard for you to believe?" JJ questioned him.

"It is actually hard for me to believe because it's always the... kook's fault." Kelce stood up. "It's never the pogue's fault. Who you going to blame next? Athena?"

Before Athena could say anything, JJ grabbed the jug of water, pouring on Kelce's salmon shirt before lunging at him. The two fought for a minute, Topper jumping forward to pull them away from each other.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now