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chapter forty one
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter forty oneI MISSED YOU SO MUCH┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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"They're fancy people. They've had three governors in their family. They've run Charleston for, like 300 years." Kie informed the four as the truck slowed down in front of the Limbrey's house.

"These Kooks make our Kooks look like Pogues." JJ commented. "You sure this is the place, Pope?"

"Pretty sure." Pope nodded apprehensively.

"All right." JJ opened the door, allowing Athena to get out before he and Kie followed. "Fat city, for sure."

"Charleston is so pretty though." Athena yawned.

"Twenty Seven King Street." Pope held up the letter, double checking the address.

"Talk about home security. Are those spikes to keep people out?" JJ asked.

"No." Kie gulped.

"The slave quarters are over there." Pope sighed, "These spikes where to keep people in."

Athena sighed quietly, holding both Pope and Kie's hand in comfort as she stood between them.

After being basically kicked out of the Limbrey's, Athena, JJ and Kie went back to the truck, the trio making small talk while they sat around.

"Look, if Limbrey is legit, then Ward gets arrested and maybe Thena and Sarah get the gold." Kie stated, JJ and Athena nodding when they noticed Pope leaving the house. "Does that look voluntary?"

The trio watched as Pope tried to turn around, the guy pushing his forward as he kept walking.

"Definitely not."

"That would be a negative."

"Come on." Kie urged, about to get out the car.

"Wait, hold on." JJ stopped her, Athena grabbing her arm. "They're going into the alley."

"Go around back?" Kie suggested.

"Yeah. We'll meet them on the other side." JJ nodded.

"Yeah, go, go, go." Athena told him. "Just be chill guys."

"Look, where did they go?" Kie asked aloud as they drove down the road.

"What id they went underground?" JJ suggested. "Because in CHUD, when they took people down in the sewers it would turn the humans in humanoids cause of the radiation. And then all of a sudden -"

"JJ, this is nothing like CHUD, focus." Athena cut him off.

"Right sorry." He looked towards Kie. "Did you see him?"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now