010. you're an idiot

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chapter tenyou're an idiot

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chapter ten
you're an idiot

After being dropped back home by the pogues, Athena had spent most of the night telling Dorota all about her day

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After being dropped back home by the pogues, Athena had spent most of the night telling Dorota all about her day. The two had stayed up late, gossiping about everything Athena had yet to tell her until eventually Athena had passed out from exhaustion and Dorota had tucked her into bed before making her way to own bedroom.

The next morning, Dorota let Athena sleep in, knowing she needed the rest. Instead, Athena was woken up a lot later than usual to a knock on her door. She yawned, rubbing her eyes and allowing to person to come in.

"You have a visitor, Miss Athena." Dorota stated, standing in her doorway.

"Who is it?" Athena asked. Dorota stepped aside to reveal her curly haired friend. "Oh hey Kie, come on in."

Kie walked into Athena's bedroom, a solemn look on her face. She flopped on the blonde's bed, Athena now having sat up and sitting cross legged against the headboard.

"I will leave you to it." Dorota bid goodbye. "Do not let Miss Sarah see her here, she will have aneurysm."

"Don't worry Dorota, we'll be alright." Athena smiled.

"We didn't find the gold." Kie grumbled, her voice muffled by Athena's duvet.

"Oh I'm sorry." Athena leant forward, pulling Kie towards her. Kie did so happily, rolling over and placing her head in Athena's lap, the girl beginning to play with Kie's hair.

"We found the Royal Merchant but there was no gold." Kie huffed, looking at the blonde.

"Well it has to be somewhere right, it can't of just disappeared." Athena reassured the girl, trying her best to comfort her.

"I guess. It's just— It meant a lot to John B, but it's probably best to just leave it, you know. Back to normal." Kie smiled before jumping off the girl's bed. "Get up! We are going to the movie tonight."

"That's tonight, why do I have to get up now?" Athena asked, a pout forming on her face.

"Because we are going shopping." Kie told her. "I need thread and beads."

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now