002. i saved your life

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chapter two i saved your life

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chapter two
i saved your life

chapter two i saved your life

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"Guys, wake the hell up!"

Athena groaned as she rubbed her eyes, a commotion waking her up. She opened her eyes, looking next to her to see JJ looking up at the sky with a slightly shocked expression. Athen quickly looked up, spotting a plane flying in the sky. Athena's eyes widened slightly before she scrambled to her feet behind JJ.

"Oh shit. Johnny, wake up. Get up." JJ nudged John B awake.

Athena turned and ran up towards the cabin. She pushed open the door, making her way to the bedroom. "Hey, hey. Kie, Sage, there's a plane."

Kie grumbled as she sat up, a confused look on her face. Athena stood there with an impatient look on her face, something that Athena was rarely, which made Kie turn and shake Sage her up.

"Sage, wake up."

"Come on."

The three girls rushed out of the cabin and down towards where the others stood. Athena looked up to where Pope and Cleo had rushed off to, noticing them at the top of the cliff, setting fire to the wood they had up there.

"Hey!" Kie shouted, her arms waving in the air.

"Hey!" John B screamed loudly. "Over here!"

"They're not gonna hear you." Athena commented quietly, sharing a look with JJ, who stood next to her.

"Guys, this isn't going to work, I've tried." Sage added.

John B, Cleo and Pope continued to shout at the plane loudly until it had passed the island. They all let out a sigh of defeat, their chance at rescue leaving as quickly as it came. That was until, the plane began to turn around and head back towards the island.

"He sees us." Kie mumbled. "Guys, guys, he sees us."

"He's gonna go to the pond." John B stated excitedly. "Come on, come on. Come on!"

The group made their way towards the pond, John B and Sarah leading the group with Pope and Cleo closely behind. Sage and Kie were in front of Athena and JJ, who stopped a little bit away and stared at the plane. Athena let out a sigh, looking up at the sky before she grabbed a hold of JJ's hand with a small reassuring smile.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now