003. the diary

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chapter three the diary

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chapter three
the diary

Athena and Kiara were driven down the road, further and further into the countryside

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Athena and Kiara were driven down the road, further and further into the countryside. They were stopped by three more guards, one with a dog while they others had large guns. The guard with the dog walked over to the truck, looking over the girls.

"All right, let them in." He instructed.

The barrier was lifted and the truck was once again driving down the narrow road, tall trees lining it. Athena looked around, noticing how heavily guarded the place they were being taken was. She let out a shaky breath, having a slight suspicion this was something much bigger than Ward and the gold. They pulled up outside a gate and the guard grabbed Athena's arm once more, pulling her out of the truck and guiding her through the gate behind Kie.

Athena looked up at the huge house that stood in front of her, a house bigger than Tannyhill, with armed soldiers stationed every few metres. Athena gulped slightly as the guard lead her up the porch and towards the front door. A maid opened the door, the guards pushing Athena and Kie inside.

Athena looked around the house, seeing loads of old artefacts. The two girls continued walking, meeting another two guards at the bottom of the stairs. The housekeeper, who was now stood in between then, looked between one and Kie.

"Take her upstairs. The Orinoco Room." She told him before looking at the other guard. "And her the Iguazu Room."

The man grabbed a hold of Athena's arm, dragging her up the stairs and in the opposite direction to Kie. Athena spun in his grip, a panicked look on her face as she made eye contact with the girl. Kie forced a weak smile onto her face that Athena tried to replicate but failed. The man then opened a bedroom door, pushing Athena inside. She spun around quickly.

"Who do you work for?" Athena asked him.

"Dinner at Eight." The man spoke before looking her up and down. "I'd clean up."

"Just tell me what they want!" Athena exclaimed as he closed the door. Her eyebrows furrowed before she heard the lock click. Her eyes widened as she tried to open the door but had no luck. She looked up, hitting the door as she shouted. "No, no. Hey, let me out! Let me out! Kie! Kiara! I can't—"

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now