007. may i have this dance

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chapter sevenMay I have this dance

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chapter seven
May I have this dance

After finally finding the boys, they all clambered back into the van and headed back down the road towards the Wreck – a quaint short building on the edge of the water, the front of which is covered in foliage of all sorts but just seemed to add t...

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After finally finding the boys, they all clambered back into the van and headed back down the road towards the Wreck – a quaint short building on the edge of the water, the front of which is covered in foliage of all sorts but just seemed to add to the whimsical charm of the Carrera's restaurant.

Run by Mike Carrera, Kiara's zealous yet stern father, it wasn't uncommon to see the girl working shifts as an extra hand in the kitchen or dining area (or at least it wasn't a few years ago). Athena looked at it in reminiscence, and a time in which she and Kie had to beg the latter's father to let Athena work there one summer after Mike continuously scolded the idea as he suspected the girls wouldn't take their job seriously together.

Truthfully, Athena and Kie did want to work together for their own entertainment, but they had profusely promised him that they would behave accordingly during their shifts. Obviously, when Mike had eventually caved in and agreed to have Athena lend a helping hand (a direct quote from him) from time to time, the girls did truthfully work diligently and listen to his every order, while still having their fair share of snickers and discussions between customers, but their leisure chatter was given to happen anyway.

"Stealing drones makes you hungry." Kie stated as Pope helped Athena out of the van.

"What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now." JJ sighed happily at the thought.

"It would not be pretty." Pope told him.

The group walked inside, the boys going over to stand in the corner while Athena followed Kiara over to her dad. The father and daughter spoke for a moment in greeting before Kie innocently asked him for food.

"Guess now is not the best time to ask for free food for me and my friends?" She asked him with a sheepish smile. They spoke about the boys before Kie turned to Athena.

"These are my friends, okay? And don't think you're doing it for them, think you're feeding Athena." Kie gestured to the blonde, who smiled awkwardly, waving at the older man that she hadn't seen in a while.

"I could do with some of the famous Mike Carrera fries." She told him.

The man chuckled, "You haven't changed, have you?"

"Not in the slightest." Athena shrugged.

"Look. Well, I-I got— I gotta throw it out. Might as well take it." Mike sighed.

Kie smiled happily, jumping forward to hug her head. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I'll bring it out."

"You're the best Mr Carrera." Athena told the older man, who smiled at her.

"And you are the only one of my daughter's friends I can tolerate." He informed her.

"Funnily enough, I've been told that before." The blonde shrugged once more, before turning and going to sit at the table with the pogues, who were now celebrating at the thought of food. Mike brought over all of the leftovers he had and placed them on the table, the group losing track of time as they laughed and joked with each other, stuffing food in their mouth as they did.

Athena laughed at a joke JJ had told her, it was a stupid one that he had really only said to get her to laugh. JJ would scream it at the rooftops every second of everyday to inform everyone that he would do anything to make Athena Cameron smile, for her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world. Movement in her peripheral caused Athena to look over to where Kie was motioning for John B to go and dance with her, music playing out of the radio. She laughed at them together before noticing Pope stood a little bit away, watching them... almost sadly. She jumped up, walking over and standing next to the boy.

"Jealousy isn't a good look on anyone Pope." She commented. "Dance with me?"

"One, I'm not jealous—" Pope told her.

"Tell that to your face."

"And two, I don't dance." He continued, ignoring her interruption.

"I know you can." She told him, a small smirk overtaking her features.

"Not a chance." He said dismissively before quickly turning to her sternly, "And we are not doing high school musical 2 right now."

"Boo you whore." Athena pouted. "This is why you're the mum friend, you don't have any fun. I know actual mums more fun than you, Pope."

Her mood however was instantly lifted when JJ suddenly appeared next to her, holding a hand out, "I'll dance with you." She turned to him with a smile, laughing softly, "May I have this dance, milady?"

"You may, kind sir." Athena curtsied slightly, making JJ laugh slightly, taking his hand as he pulled her towards where Kie and John B were dancing.

JJ and Athena moved to the beat of the song, Athena occasionally turning to dance with Kie. The blonde placed one arm over JJ's shoulder, the other one clasped with his own as they swayed, sharing smiles and little laughs between them. After a moment of Athena dancing with John B, JJ grabbed her hand again, twirling her under his arm and watching her hair spin out until she hit his chest. Athena placed a hand on his shoulder once again, JJ resting one hand on her waist while their other hands were connected. They danced together in moments of pure bliss, her looking up at him, her face full of happiness and laughter.

JJ couldn't help but stare at the beauty that laid in front of him. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light, full of a joy that JJ, in all the years of watching her, had never seen on her face. It brought him an overwhelming sense of pride, just the thought of knowing that he was part of the reason she was so happy making him feel a mix of pride and joy that he had never felt in his life.

Okay, maybe JJ Maybank didn't hate all kooks.

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