016. topper shoved him

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chapter sixteentopper shoved him

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chapter sixteen
topper shoved him

The Pogues had clambered back into the van

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The Pogues had clambered back into the van. John B was driving towards the state park where John B arranged to meet Sarah. Athena laid on the floor in the back between JJ and Pope. Her head was in Pope's lap while he played with her curled hair. She closed her eyes trying to get some sleep when Kie and John B began arguing.

John B didn't want everyone going to meet Sarah. Apparently he didn't want to spook her with the 'peanut gallery' and told them to stay in the van. Athena knew the real reason was so that Kie didn't find out that John B and Sarah were involved yet. Athena was so sick of the arguing, at this moment in time she just wanted to go home, curl up in a ball and sleep in her bed.

"Promise me nothing's happening between you." Kie told John B.

"Nothing is happening Kie." John B sighed.

"I'm being serious."


"This isn't about you and this isn't about us. This is about her. Dude, she's gonna get inside your head. Just promise me nothing's happening between you guys." Kie begged him.

"I promise." John B replied

"That was really believable." JJ commented sarcastically.

"A hundred percent believable." Pope agreed.

"Don't make promises you can't keep JB." Athena stated.

"Anyways, um... I'm gonna take care of business." John B stuttered, getting out of the van.

"I tell you. We'll just sit here... in this hot-ass car. While it's lightning." Pope spoke as John B walked away from the van. The group sat in tense silence, waiting for someone to break it.

"You okay, Attie?" JJ asked, noticing girl's expression. It was one that was full of conflicting emotions.

"Not really." She mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Pope asked. Athena sighed, sitting up from Pope's lap and turning to face Kiara.

"Kie, I love you, okay? And I know what happened between you and Sarah, and I would never want to lose our friendship because I care for you so deeply, but... Sarah is not as bad of a person as you make her out to be. She's not manipulative or a bitch or a spitting cobra, alright? You need to stop slagging her off to make yourself feel better." Athena calmly spoke, finally having built the courage to stick up for her sister. Kie's mouth parted slightly.

"Athena I'm—" Kiara started.

"Wait, do you guys hear that?" Pope interrupted her. "Sh."

"What?" Everyone let out their own questions. They all fell silent to listen to try and hear what Pope had heard.

"Please. Somebody help!"

"Oh wait, no I hear that." JJ nodded.

"Sarah." Athena recognised the voice immediately. She opened the door and jumped out without a second thought, scared of what trouble her sister and friend was in.

"Shit." Pope followed after her and JJ, the blond having rushed out of the van almost immediately after Athena.

"What the fuck?" Kie gasped.

Athena sprinted through the park towards the voice still shouting for help. When she arrived, she found Sarah. She was hugging John B's unconscious body, sobs falling from her lips. Athena froze in place at the sight.

"Oh my god." She breathed out as the others caught up to her.

"Sarah! What happened?" Pope questioned quicky.

"I don't know what to do." Sarah sobbed. "He needs help. Topper shoved him."

"Where the hell is he?" JJ seethed.

"Oh please, please, please get help. I don't care who. Just call someone." Sarah begged, tears running down her cheeks.

"Go! Go!" Pope ran off back towards the van, trying to get some help.

"Help, please." Sarah cried.

"Pope, hurry!" Kie shouted.

"John B, stay with me. Please don't leave me. John B?" Sarah sobbed, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips.

"Pope! Come on!" JJ shouted. Athena laced her finger's with his, hoping she could provide even the slightest bit of comfort.

"He'll be okay." Athena whispered, tears in her eyes. Her sister turned to face her. "I promise."

Athena wasn't sure who she was talking to. She wasn't sure if she was telling Sarah or JJ or even Kie, who could just hear over the raging winds, or whether she was trying to convince herself of it. John B was very important to Athena, they weren't as close as him and the others but Athena had often spent time with John B while he worked, the two laughing as they ate the snacks Athena had brought with her to keep him company. John B had overtime become a big part in her life and Athena couldn't bare to lose him.

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