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chapter fifty seven
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter fifty seven CARRERA THEFT AUTO ┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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"I just don't get it. I mean, you guys saw the map. He hides his gold so no one finds it for 170 years." Pope ranted as the group stayed near the tree. "And then he sends a message to his son, Robert, to come here to his mother's grave, but the message never gets to him. Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know we're in the right spot. It just feels like -"

"Like we missed something?" JJ's voice caught their attention, heads turning to see he'd been looking up at the tree. "Come here."

Athena sent the boy an odd look as he crawled up on the twinkie, Kie following after. "Get down."

"Hang on, hang on." JJ waved her off, "That looks like —"

"The painting in the island room." Kie added in as she looked at the hole in the tree.

"Reach in there." Athena told them, squinting as she looked up ay them.

"It's worth a shot, right?" JJ spoke with a shrug. "Go for it."

"No chance." Kie gave a stupid look.

"You do it!" Sarah scoffed from the ground.

"Sorry, I went in the storm drain." Kie retorted.

"She did go in the storm drain." Pope agreed with Kiara.

"And we nearly drowned in there." Athena stuck up for the girl.

"Yeah. No, I'm gonna do it. It's just..." JJ trailed off as he pulled he sleeve ip.

"He's scared." Kie whispered.

"Totally." Athena agreed.

"I'm not  scared dude." JJ scoffed in disbelief with them.

"You seem scared." Kie laughed.

"Yeah that's the same look you had when you said you didn't wanna go in the storm drain." Athena nodded. "When you were scared."

"And then you and Kie nearly drowned!" JJ exclaimed.

"Okay bad example but just do it." Athena smiled encouragingly.

JJ slowly reached his hand into the tree, getting closer before letting out a shout. Athena huffed, crossing her arms as everyone began to freak out. Kie yanking on his body while John B tried to climb the twinkie. JJ began to laugh, relaxing as everyone gave looks of belief. He met Athena's eye, "You weren't worried?"

"One, don't do that again." Athena told him, rolling her eyes. "And two no I wasn't worried, I knew you were lying."

"Real original." Pope scoffed.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now