011. patch you up

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chapter elevenpatch you up

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chapter eleven
patch you up

chapter elevenpatch you up

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"Where are we going?"

The question came from JJ as he and Athena walked down an empty street. After Kiara lit the movie on fire, she and Pope went somewhere else while Athena decided she would take JJ back to her house and patch him up.

"My house." She stated. JJ stopped abruptly when he heard what she said.

"What! I can't go to your house." JJ exclaimed.

"Why?" Athena stopped, turning to look at him in confusion. "Rafe was kicked out. Sarah isn't going to be there and Dorota's really good at sneaking people in.

JJ hesitated, thinking about it for a moment. He didn't really want to go inside the Cameron household, to be honest he didn't want to go into any house on Figure Eight, but if he said no and turned around it would mean his night would be over, his night with Athena would be over. "Fine, but only because I wanna see the princess' castle."

Athena laughed softly before the two fell into silence. Walking through figure eight, the girl watched JJ as he gawked at all the big houses they passed, him not seeing half of them this close up before. JJ had never realised truly how large any of the houses around where the Camerons lived were.

When they got to the Cameron household, Athena dragged JJ round the side of the house. She had a balcony outside her window, a pipe up the wall next to it that Athena had learned to climb over the years.

"I'm going to climb that pipe and get the ladder for you to climb." Athena informed the Maybank boy, who put his thumbs up in response. "You're going to be okay, right?"

"This isn't my first time sneaking into a girl's bedroom, Cinderella. I'll be fine." He smiled at her before she turned around, facing the wall.

"Cinderella?" She mouthed silently to herself. Athena shook her head before beginning to climb up the pipe, lucky her shoes had enough grip so they stayed against the wall, pushing her up. She leant over, grabbing the edge of her balcony, pulling herself over and climbing over the railing, completely unaware of the boy's gaze on her the entire time.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now