013. i have so much to tell you

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chapter thirteeni have so much to tell you

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chapter thirteen
i have so much to tell you

After the arrest, Athena decided to walk home

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After the arrest, Athena decided to walk home. She thought about going and trying to bail JJ out but she knew only a parent or guardian could. Plus, her dad would question where all the money went and then she would be grounded for like ever for sneaking out and not only hanging out with but bailing criminals out of jail. She hoped Sarah would be home by now so she could hang out with her as a distraction, her fear for JJ after finding out about his dad, growing every second he was stuck in jail. Walking through Figure Eight, Athena suddenly bumped into a person.

"Sorry." She apologised quickly, looking up to see a very wet Sarah. "Sarah?"


"I thought you were at a friend's house?" Athena wondered.

"I have so much to tell you." Sarah smiled giddily. "Come on, let's go home."

The two walked home as quickly as they could, luckily not bumping into any of their family once they arrived at the house, successfully avoiding getting trapped in any unwanted conversations. They ran upstairs and into Sarah's bedroom. Athena jumped on her twin's bed while the blonde changed into dry clothes. Once she was finished, she joined Athena, the two sitting opposite on the bed.

"I went on an adventure with John B yesterday." Sarah stated.

"Excuse me?" Athena laughed, not believing her. Athena could never imagine John B willingly taking Sarah with him anywhere, let alone being with her alone for over twelve hours. She was kook princess after all while he was leader of the pogues. Then again, Athena thought, opposite do usually attract.

"I'm being serious." Sarah hit her gently as she explained. "He made me take him to the archives, something about a slave and the Royal Merchant."

"He told you about the Royal Merchant?" Athena questioned. She was under the impression that it was some sort of secret Pogue Mission, and she knew that John B had not told anyone yet that Sarah knew because Kie hadn't freaked out yet. Athena just needed to figure out how much she knew before she continued on about it.


"Did he tell you about—" Athena began.

"The gold?" Sarah interrupted her, noticing how Athena was going to trail off. "500 million. Wait how do you know about this?"

"I helped them." Athena stated.

"You helped them?" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yep, they needed help sneaking into the hotel I help out." Athena told her sister. "Pope saw me as they were about to be kicked out and so used me as their excuse to be there. They needed the internet, and then Kie invited me along with them."

"I can't believe I didn't know this." Sarah scoffed in disbelief.

"It wasn't my adventure." Athena shrugged. The two laughed, Athena's being slightly less enthusiastic. Sarah noticed almost immediately, turning to her twin with furrowed eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked in concern.

Athena let out a sigh, laying back on the bed. She closed her eyes momentarily while Sarah just stared at her. "JJ was arrested." Athena confessed.


"Rafe and Topper jumped Pope when he was delivering groceries to the country club so he sunk Topper's boat. The Thorntons pressed charges so Pope was going to get arrested but JJ took the blame." Athena explained, sighed once more.

"Oh my god." Sarah let out a breath.

"Yeah, and Topper almost strangled Pope to death yesterday." Athena then smiled weakly, joking, "I put that karate to good use though."

"I can tell." Sarah pointed to Athena's knuckles, the bruise slightly faded but still visible. She then let a teasing smile cross her face, laying down next to her twin as they stared at the ceiling. "You like JJ."


"You like JJ." Sarah repeated. "Twin tuition."

"That's absurd." Athena tried to convince her, although she knew deep down Sarah wasn't far off. Athena knew she couldn't change her sister's mind and so she decided to change the subject. "You like John B."

Despite, Athena joking, Sarah stayed silent, her eyes glued to the ceiling. Athena furrowed her eyebrows, turning to face her sister. Athena looked over to be met with a blushing Sarah making Athena gasp, sitting up in shock and turning to face the blonde who stayed laid down.

"You like John B!" Athena exclaimed,

"Shut up!" Sarah hissed, pulling her sister to lay back down. The twins moved their heads to face each other, Sarah smiling at the blonde. "We kissed."

"I knew it." Athena laughed joyfully. "I called it and you didn't believe me. What about Topper?"

"I'm going to break up with him." Sarah told her.

"Good." Athena nodded. "God, what a crazy world, JJ was arrested and you kissed John B."

"And midsummers is tomorrow." Sarah added.

"And midsummers is tomorrow." Athena sighed. She closed her eyes momentarily.

"Chick flick night?" Sarah asked, knowing they both needed it.


And with that the two quickly got under the covers, Sarah grabbing her laptop. Athena getting the snack bucket from under Sarah's bed, dropping into the space in between them while Sarah loaded up Netflix. They spent the night watching every romcom they could find on the streaming sites from 27 dresses to ten things I hate about you to Notting hill. It was something the twins liked to do often, swooning over the characters and gossiping about what their romcom life would be like. Sarah filled Athena in on everything that had happened since they last saw each other and so did Athena.

And well into the night, they fell asleep, just like they always had and always would, cuddled up together, content smiles on their faces.

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