029. i have a bad feeling

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chapter twenty nineI HAVE A BAD FEELING

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chapter twenty nine

Athena was exhausted when she arrived at the Wreck the night before

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Athena was exhausted when she arrived at the Wreck the night before. The four of them decided to crash there as it would be the last place the police would look. The trio had explained their plan to Athena. She automatically agreed to het John B and Sarah off the island if it meant they were safe.

"He's pinched for sure, man." Athena heard JJ say as he and Pope looked out the window.

"No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." Pope reassured.

"Let's hope." JJ mumbled.

"You know, we were in that car." Kie started looking over at the boys. "That means that they're probably looking for us too."

"Yeah and I mean, I kind of ran away from my house where I was held hostage so..." Athena added from where she sat on one of the Wreck chairs.

"Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." Pope declared.

"So, find him before they do?" JJ asked, raising a brow in his friend's direction.

"Pope?" Athena called, watching as he grabbed the keys to JJ's motorcycle.

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." He muttered, walking towards the door.

"Hey, you be careful. Okay?" Kiara warned yet Pope merely glared at her.

"Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." Pope stated, looking over at Athena and JJ. He was completely ignoring Kie and her pleading stare. With that, he walked away without another glance at the brunette. Kie, JJ and Athena shared a confused look before Kiara ran out the door after Pope.

"What is going on with them?" Athena asked JJ, who shrugged at her in response, following after the two.

"Okay, what is your problem?" Kie questioned, walking towards Pope. Athena and JJ watched from the balcony above.

"No problem, officer. I'm just doing my job." Pope replied sarcastically, climbing onto the motorcycle.

"Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings." Kie apologised but Pope seemed to be in no mood to listen to her.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now