011. ward's back

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chapter eleven ward's back

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chapter eleven
ward's back

Athena woke up the next day with the worst headache known to man

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Athena woke up the next day with the worst headache known to man. She groaned, sitting up slowly and rubbing her forehead. She kept her eyes closed as she heard the door open. Dorota walked into the room, placing a tea on her bedside table. Athena let out a small laugh at the gesture, feeling a weird sense of deja-vu.

"Thank you, Dorota." Athena spoke gratefully.

"Your welcome, Athena." Dorota smiled at her warmly.

Sage then came barging through the door making Athena groan once more. "Athena Cameron it is midday and you are still in bed."

She shook her head like a mother scolding their child. The girl walked over, throwing the curtain's open and pulling the duvet off of Athena's body. Dorota laughed softly, turning and leaving the two girls alone.

"Stop." Athena whined, covering her face with her hands. "I don't want to be awake."

"Well, I went to get us breakfast and I have news for you." Sage sat down on the bed next to Athena, placing a take-away bag on the bed in front of them. Athena immediately perked up, grabbing the bag and pulling a sandwich out of it. Sage had gotten them both a bacon bap and a hashbrown each.

Athena opened it up, taking a bite and humming in enjoyment. "What do you have to tell me?"

"Okay so I ordered our stuff, right and I bumped into Kie but that's not the strange bit." Sage began to recall her morning. "So, I'm stood there talking with Kie, waiting and we look over and guess who we see, together?"


"Sarah and freaking Topper." Sage stated. Athena's mouth dropped in shock.

"No." She gasped.

"Yep." Sage nodded. "So I grab our food and so does Kie and we leave but Sarah follows after us, says how she was only eating breakfast with him because she had nowhere to go—"

"Bullshit! I offered her here." Athena interrupted.

"I know." Sage exclaimed. "But she ditched Topper and we went back to Kie's before I came here, mainly because I wanted to hear what happened."

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now