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chapter thirty five
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter thirty fiveTICKLING THE WIRE┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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After meeting up with Kie and Pope, Athena told them about Gavin. Athena had met Gavin a few times, he often flew planes for her father so when Rafe said he was the one who flew the gold to the Bahamas, she wasn't especially surprised. Now they were sat in Kie's car, Kie driving with Pope in the passenger seat while JJ and Athena sat in the back.

"If this guy flew planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope stated as they drove.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure he's been cheating on his wife and has kept it a secret so I agree." Athena spoke, earning a few surprised looks. "What, he and my dad, have catch ups when they drink beer and chat shit, I used to eavesdrop with Sarah for fun."

"So then the direct approach gets my vote." JJ smiled, cocking the gun in his hands.

"JJ, no."

"No. What?"

"Put the gun down, man."

"JJ!" JJ turned to her. "Put the safety on, god. Now."

JJ sighed, putting the safety in before huffing. "We gotta keep this simple or we'll never get John B off."

"Or we just tickle the wire." Pope countered.

"What?" Kie turned to him in confusion.

"Tickle the wire, what crack are you on?" Athena asked him.

"We tickle the wire." Pope held up Kie's airpods. "I plant my phone in his car, and then we listen in on your airpods."

Pope put on of the airpods in his eye, holding his phone up to Kiara. "Say something."


"Okay we have audio." Pope nodded when he heard Kie's voice come through. "I think that's his house over there. This is the right address, Thena?"


"All right, honk or uh... yell or something if you see anything suspicious." Pope told Kiara, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Don't do anything dangerous." Kie advised.

"Come on. I'm not JJ." He smirked, jumping out the car.

"Funny, Pope." JJ said sarcastically. "Love third wheeling. It's my favourite thing."

"Oh, I'll just leave then." Athena turned to him. "Love you too JJ."

"I'm always third wheeling you and Kie, Athena, don't pretend I just forgot you're here." JJ told her.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now