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chapter sixty two
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┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑chapter sixty twoI CANT BELIEVE THIS┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Sarah and Athena gasped as they stared at their dad, who stood in the doorway, the knife clattering to the ground when Sarah dropped it in shock.

"It's me." Ward spoke, stepping towards them. "I know this is impossible to you both and I'm gonna explain—"

The man was cut off when Sarah slapped him across the face, Athena too shocked to even react, more upset than angry. She thought her father was dead, she cried and sobbed for hours over a man who wasn't even gone. It was just her luck that this had happened to her twice now.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I deserve that. I do. I know I do. You two have been through hell, and that is my fault. And I'm sorry. I'm so—" Athena scoffed as Sarah swatted him away, the two sitting down.

"I can't believe this." Athena made a face.

"I'm so sorry girls." Ward continued. "I can promise you that I didn't have any other choice. I didn't. I don't expect you to understand that now. All I can do is tell you what happened, and I'll answer your questioned. Maybe you'll see it was the only way."

Athena and Sarah both looked at their father in disbelief.

"I know you both don't believe that, and I know it's hard to hear. But I—" Ward took a breath. "It was my only choice. It was the only way to make sure that we were all safe and we were all together."

Athena sniffled, crying softly.

"It was the only way to be a family again." Ward finished, grabbing a chair and sitting opposite the girls as he began to explain how he faked his death, "I used the scuba gear on the Druthers. I had it all set up advance, timed to the second. It was touch and got getting off. I almost didn't make it."

Ward chuckled at his own joke, the twins rolling their eyes and sitting up a bit when Rafe walked into the room.

"Girls, what I need you to understand more than anything is that I never imagined you would be there." Ward continued. "I wanted to call you immediately to tell you that I was okay, to explain to all. It broke my heart that I couldn't. But I had to make sure Rafe got away."

"Thank you, Dad." Rafe spoke up, Sarah glaring at him. "At least one of us is grateful."

"That's psychopathic, both of you!" Sarah exclaimed.

"I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me." Ward sat back in his chair. "I had to make good on that promise."

"Not that you care." Rafe muttered.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now