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bonus chapter
200k special

JJ Maybank remembers the first day he ever saw Athena Cameron

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JJ Maybank remembers the first day he ever saw Athena Cameron. It was a random day when they were around twelve, and he was just taking a stroll across the island instead of going home and dealing with his dad, when a bike suddenly rushed past him, a fly of brunette hair along with it. He was so taken back when he recognised the Cameron girl immediately – her bike being so familiar across the island, his best friend John B pointing out if was hers one day at the Wreck when it was leant up against the wall outside – and physically stopped in his tracks. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, why was a kook, a Cameron above all else, riding their bike on the cut.

And so he followed her... or at least tried to, she had already gotten a bit far away since he stopped. He managed to figure out where she was going, Heywards. Heyward was Pope Heyward's father, the man exclusively being known by his last name, and was probably the best person on the island, he had everything in his shop that one would need and he was kind, caring and selfless.

JJ noticed Athena stop, smiling at the man, who greeted her happily. JJ's eyebrows knitted in confusion even more, wondering how Heyward even know Athena, but JJ knew one thing, she must have been a good person for Heyward to like him, for the man disliked many people, including JJ.

In reality, this was the first time Athena had visited Heyward at his shop. It was only a few days ago when she was wandering around, walking home from the Wreck when she noticed Heyward struggling with his shopping bags. And because Athena was taught by Rose at a very young age that helping people was something you should always do, and was something Athena had always enjoyed doing for entirely selfless reasons, for she lived to make other people's lives easier, and Dorota always told her that her kindness was her greatest strength, Athena went over to the man and offered her help. She helped him carry his bags all the way back to his shop, and then she continued to stay and help him unpack, the two getting to know each other quite quickly.

When she left later that evening, bidding the man goodbye after telling him that she needed to be home for dinner otherwise she would be in trouble with her father, she promised him she would come and help again at the weekend.

PAPER RINGS | jj maybank [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON FOUR]Where stories live. Discover now