Broken Pause

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free! unrelated update but for those of you familiar to SK8 The Infinity and is a joecherry/matchablossom shipper, then this drabble is for you !

i made it july 15th, sorry it took so long but consider this as my 100k special♡

hope you like it !

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One thing Kaoru is very much certain about is that toddlers nowadays are annoying. By toddler he meant Miya Chinen, and his young inquisitive mind to know things only adults are supposed to know. Few minutes before this realization, Kaoru was minding his own business but was suddenly put into a mortifying situation, and what it only took was an innocent question from the teen.

"Hey, um." There was a hesitant pause. Kaoru had to throw a suspicious glance his way which the catboy interpreted as a mocking game so with a scoff he chose to continue. "About that yukat—I mean, I don't mean to intrude but like,"  Miya blabbered, distracting himself by checking out the frames Joe had hung from the walls of his Italian restaurant.

Eyebrows furrowed, the pink-haired leaned back on his seat. "Can you just spit it out and say what's bugging your mind?"

Silence. "That yukata. The yukata you're wearing right now and all the other yukatas you've worn while we're hanging around," Miya pointed out. "What do you wear underneath?"

Silence. But this time there was a faint blush, almost rosy, that dusted the man's cheeks and Miya was quick enough to notice that but didn't dare utter a word. "What are you even talking about?" It was Cherry's turn to look elsewhere. Part of him was relieved he wasn't late to react, if he hadn't, it would've been more humiliating. "You... of all things a kid can ask you just had to mention that," he scowled.

"Curiosity is where things begin Kaoru," a voice spoke, and he hated how he didn't have to guess that it was the bastard Kojiro. He appeared from the kitchen, where resting in his palms are two ravishing plates of ravioli. With a devious smile, the green-haired then placed it on the wooden counter for them to dine. "I could enlighten him if you want me to," he offered.

"So you know something, Joe?" Miya perked up at that more than the food having been served.

"You two should sto—"

"I leave that to you little guy," Kojiro grins.

Kaoru was left there frozen. He couldn't stop the sudden wave of flashback he didn't even asked for that all he managed to do was grit his teeth and curse at the back of his head. "Something wrong, Cherry?" There was something off about his emerald stare. Something heated it almost stripped him naked in that moment. Of course there's nothing underneath. Nothing but those thick layers of cloth that, if you only do so much as lift it up, all would be bare in plain sight.

The four-eyed remembered. It played like a cd with a broken pause, and he was helpless by the blissful memory. Rough hands, gentle bites, slow and sensual touches as the arm sleeves slid off his skin. Silent gasps of pleasure. Hair sprawled in every corner of the finest linen. A dream of an incident prior today, and funnily enough, Cherry is still wearing the exact same yukata.

He fucking blushed. Pink as the shade of his pretty locks as Joe tried his hardest to stifle a laugh. Miya, on the other hand, is completely, utterly clueless. "How the hell is it so normal to you? Talking about this thing, you pricks?" the flustered skater referred to the both of them. "I've lost my appetite," He rose from his seat, began storming off to the door whilst Miya's eyes glistened because he gained himself an extra plate.

"Carla's still charging in the corner, though?" there was confidence dripping in Joe's tone, successfully stopping him from his tracks. "I doubt you'd actually leave without it."

Silence. That was the first time he couldn't talk back at him, or retort, or fight, because for once, he was damn right.

Balling his fists, Cherry admitted defeat. Both yesterday night and today.

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