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You first met him in the most unexpected place at the most unexpected time. A day you could clearly remember, a day you'd live a hundred times for to go back to--the moment both your fate were decided and you and Natsuya crossed paths. Being with him confused you especially in your first couple of weeks, because the brown haired is always away. It was then that he told you he's a swimmer, one who apparently travels to different places, cities out of town and country to compete. You'd be lying if you say the adjustment is nothing, because it's torture, honestly. One moment, your apartment is filled with Natsuya's warmth then the next it'll be empty. He'd be there, by your side and in your arms then before you know it, he's gone again. "Someday, I'll come back to you and I will never leave," he would promise you, breaking your walls and dropping all your guard everytime. That's pretty much how your relationship works. But Natsuya finally decided to settle down. It was killing him too and from there he realized that you have always been the one he was looking out in the world for and he would now face it. Not run away from it. This time I'll stay.


hey guys! My bestie sweet_disguise14 made a poem for me way back in my birthday and now she has posted it up on her brand new book Unheard Thoughts. It's basically a book with bite sized poems she herself created and if you want to know more--go check it out. (yep I'm promoting it) BC IT'S BEAUTIFUL UGH. Worth the read y'all 💕

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