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The bell which indicates a customer has arrived rings upon the arrival of two people. Scent of lavishly brewed coffee and sweet delicacies wafted in the air as soon as the door was closed shut. Then comes the faint chit chat inside the cafe, the clanking of utensils. It was music to your ears it made you smile so early in the morning. This is what a day is like in Asahi's sister's cafe. "Hey, it's the two of you again," Chirped the woman in the counter, recognizing you and Asahi who got your hand intertwined with his from afar. The orange haired smiled cheekily, looking at you tenderly before leading you to his sister. Even the baby situated in her arms started clapping its chubby hands when you got near. He too recognizes you. Oh your heart warmed. "A date, I assume?" Asahi nodded. "My cafe would go bankrupt if i keep letting you guys date here for free," she joked, referring to all the other dates you had which for Asahi was practical. You all laughed softly. His eyes met yours and in there held some contentment, love and affection as he locked gazes with you for a moment longer. "You don't mind it that much, right sis?" he looked back to his sister, then to you eventually. "She's family anyway."

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