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What used to be the cutest thing Asahi ever saw was his nephew, his sister's son. Then it would be you next, the most adorable girl who is apparently his. Little did the orange haired know, combining those two would make up the most beautiful view he'll ever lay his eyes on and when the day came that he first did, it nearly melted his heart. "Y/n? Can you hold him for a while until Asahi shows up?," his sister asks of you, rocking the baby in her arms before handing it to you. You were at their family cafe that time, and you figured it's a place you will always be in, with Asahi being your boyfriend. Upon reaching your arms out, the baby did too as if he was excited to be in your embrace. It wasn't until he was situated enough when he looked at you with wide eyes, then smiles. "He likes you," his sister quipped from the counter. You then took care of the little one, all while she's busy doing her stuff that you barely noticed Asahi coming in after a couple of minutes. His eyes didn't miss the sight of you carrying his nephew despite you being in a corner as you held him, tried making him laugh. Asahi was in complete awe. "Oh, there you are," you smiled when you spotted him, making the baby clap. She would make a great mother, Asahi thought with a grin, crossing the other side of the room with the images of his own family playing in the back of his mind.

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