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Shy. Silent. Hard to trust others. You had always figured he was that type of guy with all his hair covering almost his entire face. His hair with locks of them that hides his eyes for the world to see. That was Ikuya. That timid kid, and somehow still is, who rather ate alone every lunch, that timid kid who barely talks but does talk only when its necessary, and that timid kid who doesn't trust easily, keeps secrets of himself to everyone, emotions. Emotions he bottled up for so long until he met you. Until you made him smile, earn his trust; Until you brush his hair back, and get him to see how beautiful the world is, how beautiful people can be unlike he thought they would. You changed all that twisted perspective. Changed it into something more. More colorful. More lively. More worthy to live. Ikuya's out and about now. And it all started with your fingers that back then delicately ravelled against his mop of torqoise hair, brushed them back from which light crept up slowly, slowly, 'til the world is in full view. You, in full view. His orange eyes sparkled then. He didn't expect such beauty is what he's been missing all along. "Stunning," Ikuya had thought.

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