Happy Tears

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It may not be obvious, but your Rin sure is an emotional one. Cutest thing only the closest to him knows about him is he was the type to cry and sometimes bawl when certain things got so heartfelt. He was the type to silently sniffle, to secretly wipe a tear when no one was looking. He really was the type who cries over the smallest reasons, who sob uncontrollably at times. You never pegged him that but when you first saw him cry, your heart just melted. Fast forward to what you guys are now as a couple, you found out that when you'd say sweet things back to him, your shark would get teary. Same when you do sweet things in return or in nature. You just always know he knew you can see his tears even before they fall. Today was one of those priceless moments when you get to see him, better yet made him cry. He shrinked in his seat, his back slumping. Before you know it he was sniffling, and in a few seconds he had his cap on already, head hung low to hide him crying. After all, you're in a café of all places. "I made you cry again," you rub his back. He shook his head, saying he doesn't mind in between shaky breaths. He pulled himself together, and with red cheeks and puffy eyes, he looked at you and whispered "They are happy tears anyways."

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