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Your sense of hearing isn't the only thing that wakes you up every single morning by the sound of the tweeting birds nearby. As the same mouthwatering smell tantalized through your nose, you realized in spite of your sleepy mind that his cooking never fails to activate your sense of smell. You smiled beneath the sheets you are laying onto, sitting up from your shared bed. Makoto is yet again cooking breakfast for you. You yawn, making your way to the kitchen. Seeing his back turned to you, humming, effortlessly cooking, it is a sight you could never get used to see. But before you could even reach out to him and hug him from behind, he spoke. "You're up," he whispered, the huskiness of the tone still evident because he, too, had just woke up. You still hugged him anyways. You're sleepy and you need someone to keep you from falling off. "I've lived to see another day with you waking up beside me," Makoto mumbled, eyes on the eggs. "I've lived to see those beautiful eyes of yours open again," he continued, you smiled. He turns his head to you for one split moment, meeting your gaze and smiling back. "I've lived again knowing you're mine and my mornings will always be like this cooking you breakfasts," he says, and completely turning to you to gather you in his arms - to cherish another blessing. You.

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