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Lovelies! I haven't been in touch, I know, things just have been hectic lately because our Graduation is coming up. Here in the Philippines, it's this time of the year when students gets all lazy to go to school because there's nothing more to do so things really aren't that hectic. I only said it is because i'll be making a story for a film me and my class plan to make.

Anyway, thank you for 7k!❤ Eternal Thoughts caught up so fast to Diabolik Thoughts and it didn't even take long! And it's all because of you. Thank you, my own freebies.

Now for the 7k, as i've said on my post—if you're my follower—i have a big news up my sleeve and i'll be revealing it today! Any ideas? It has something to do... with a new book💕

I started making drafts about a week or two ago of Tsurune Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu. Yes. The new book will be all about Tsurune, that rising sports anime—archery to be specific, that very much resembled Free!'s animation.

If you have quite a liking now to the said anime, then you'll have to wait for this book! I, for some reason am growing attached to the characters now and starting to get to know them more so my oneshots would depict just the right amount of sweetness. If you haven't checked it out, do so now! It's really good.

For the title, it would be Tsurune: Archery Thoughts. If you notice the word thoughts all my books had, that's because i wanted my books to be unique, to be easy to find and be memorable. That's clue 1.

Clue 2 is that I have over 8 drafts as of now. Clue 3. cover will be different than the first 2 books. And that's all! I can't give away every information. Lovelies, I hope you support Archery Thoughts as much as you supported my two books and i can't wait to share it with you💕

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Like an arrow hitting a target, it will soon capture your hearts.


Very soon.

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