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I don't know why, but I think Rei can cook.


The moment he left you to let you be while he fix you guys something to eat, you were reading a book. You told him you were hungry before, and snacks and a couple of drinks didn't do your whole stay. So off Rei go to the kitchen, cooking as you wish. You were so busy with the book you are reading to notice his hidden glances every now and then. To check up on you, to simply just watch you from afar. Rei wasn't sure where to focus anymore that he often finds himself burning the food slightly. Either way his cooking was still fine. Glancing again, you are still preoccupied with the book. From Rei observed it was already the third book; he's got his eyes on you the whole time. He didn't know what's taking him so long but the blue haired thought he should at least make everything special for you. So he took his time cooking, made sure it was made, and was done with love. He didn't glanced at you since then. When all was finished, table, plates, the food, he walked back to the living room. You were asleep, sprawled on his sofa with the book covering your face. He chuckled at your position. You tend to always capture him, asleep or not. He crouched down to you, took the book away to hold your cheek. "This is far more special," he whispered, before waking you up.

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