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Nagisa the cheerful, the bubbly and the adorable is known for his rather contagious optimism. He makes the people around him happy and puts a smile to their faces, same as his blonde hair that reminds you of a bright sunshine. Part of who he is as a whole is to stay positive at all times, and that ultimately makes him a bundle of joy. With you though, he's not only all fun and crazy—but serious too. It's a change his friends still couldn't take in. A change they probably will never get used of but would understand in more ways than one. "Guys," he started, catching the attention of his friends who were busy talking on their way home. That was way before you even meet Nagisa's friends. When they all turned to face him, Nagisa pulled off the most stern expression he could. But he blushed so he failed at his first attempt. "Um... I want to introduce someone to you. But not today obviously, because she's still not ready so maybe tomorrow or next week or—" Nagisa started blabbering. "Sure," was all Haru said which made him stop talking. Even before Makoto gets the chance to ask who Nagisa was referring to, the teen spoke again. "I really really like her. Like, a lot. And I think you'll love to meet her because I want you to see how great she is," he said. And he was finally being serious. "Be extra nice." He finished with a straight face. Everyone was taken aback by his statement, nodding when Nagisa narrowed his magenta eyes at them. Then, in a blink, he was back at his normal self again. "How was that? Did I look cool?." Everyone then sighed in relief.

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