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Pink hair, blue eyes. He totally looked like his brother the moment you spotted him waving at you in spite of the crowd of kids all running about outside of the preschool. He jumps in delight at the sight of you right there, just in time to pick him up, and with the brightest of smiles Hayato runs to you, hugging your leg as soon as you're in his reach. How the shy kid had changed. "You came to pick me up?," he looked up at you with wide, excited eyes. You nodded, bent down to match his height, then slid his bag off his shoulder. You placed it on yours and faced the little version of Kisumi. He was beaming. "Not just me," you winked, and his eyes shone in pure bliss when he understood what you just said. As if on cue his familiar figure appear on the distance, and you swore you have never seen Hayato look so happy. "Onii-chan!," the boy chirped. You stand up, meeting Kisumi halfway. He ruffled Hayato's hair, stealing a kiss on your cheek when his innocent sibling wasn't looking. "C'mon now, I'll take you guys to the ice cream parlor. My treat," Kisumi says, and Hayato immediately fits himself in between you two and reached out to hold each of your hands. He hummed then, walking alongside the best people in his life.

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