Skin to Skin

808 16 3

"Y/n," you turn to the source of the sound, the wind fanning a couple streaks of your hair as you did. Makoto was smiling when you met eyes with his, gently tucking that hair in your ear. "Let's go swim." You blink, pondering what he just said. "Let's swim," he repeated, exchanging glances between you and the ocean you happened to pass by on your way home. You have no intention of refusing, not when Makoto gave you a look that says he would not take no for an answer. "We're gonna get our undergarments wet," you whispered, but he's already taking you near the shore where the water seems to be waiting. He faced you, cupping your cheeks. "We'll wait it out, then," he said cheerfully, before assisting you himself to slowly take your clothes off. Delicately he undressed you, as if you were fragile and you're too precious to break. You barely noticed him get undress that when his fingertips brushed your skin you held your breath, eyes fluttering close. Warm. You ran your hands from his navel up to his stomach, to his sculpted chest, snaking your arms around his neck. Makoto kissed your forehead and made it touch with his as he embraced you. With the overlapping waves in the background, he savored the silence. Absorbed your warmth, skin to skin. "You feel so good."

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Happy 8k ❤

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