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Watching you sleep between his arms, a small smile tug on his lips. Adorable, he thought as he drowned himself with your sight. With that thought  in his head, the orange haired realized he has slept too much to keep track of what's going on recently even ever since then. It's only when you're asleep did he fought to stay awake and watch. The lazy vampire thought it should never be missed. He chuckled silently when he realized he's thinking of you yet again. This human, Shu thought as he scans the beautiful creature lying before his eyes, she's mine. Mind, heart, body and soul. Heart, he stopped, the word ringing in his head. Shu suddenly remember all those times you had told him he's who your heart wants, your heart shouts, who your heart belonged to. Back then he didn't know what any of it mean because his own heart isn't beating. Curious, he rested his palm right above your heart and waited. Not even a second had passed he felt a rhythm vibrate against his hand. It's beating. He smiled, getting it now. Why your heart leaps, melts,why it race whenever you're with him. He realized as he kissed your forehead, it's only beating for him.


Subaru can break everything. He's known for that. Anything he vents his anger to, valid or invalid would sure break. He can smash it, that's always a hundred percent sure and a hundred percent more for the damage. You've always wondered why he's mad at almost everything that he'd end up destroying something to bits. You've always wanted to reach out to him, to approach him. You wanted to be of help, to be of comfort, but everytime you try you'd turn back. His red infuriating eyes would always make you turn back. You're afraid. Afraid not because he might hurt you, but afraid because you would break him more. Little did you know, that white haired vampire may break everything, but he could never break your heart. Never, ever would Subaru break the heart of someone like you. You didn't know, haven't known, that he's been hurting... because of you. He was mad at everything because everything reminds him of you. You, and everyone else who took advantage of you. To him you were completely his, but the thought that he can't own you the way they own you enrages him. Yes, you broke his heart. You can break it over and over again but Subaru can never do it to you.


"Can I help you with anything, Reiji?." You asked, impatiently tapping your foot. "You asked me to come over and you don't seem to need anything from me." You said, glaring daggers at him. "Actually, I do." You meet his red piercing eyes. He walks his way to you, a potion in his gloved hand. He stopped inches away from you that you had to take a step back, and looking back at him, you realized he's still holding your gaze. "Try this." He holds it out. You just asked what your help would be, so you couldn't refuse this one. Taking it, you scan it one last time before chugging all the contents to the last drop. The effect instantly kicks in as soon as you drank it, and the smirk in Reiji's lips you have seen earlier grow wider. What's this?; you want to be pleasured. You feel the need to be pleasured, right here right now. Shit, you were drugged. "Reiji..." You breathed, and you had your way to him.

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