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If there is someone who took the word water to a whole new higher level, it'd be Haru. Everyone close to him knows he isn't simply just attached to it, but romantically attracted to it at the same time; if that's even possible. Haru just loves being in the water that much. Though you were able to change that when he fell in love with you-almost, you realize his love for the water will always stay the same. "Haru," you whisper-warned, cheeks beet red as you stop his hands from pushing his pants down. Why'd you bring him there for your date again? You should've known. "You're not supposed to dive in the fountain," you scold, buttoning his pants while bringing down his shirt he has been attempting to strip since earlier. The stares from people around you intensify, becoming glares from assuming that the both of you are doing something scandalous. Haru meanwhile, just kept prying away from your grasp. You sighed, cheeks getting hotter every passing second. When he showed no signs of obeying you whatsoever, you just lost it. "HARUKA NANASE LISTEN TO ME." you said. Next your dolphin knows, you were dragging him away from the Park.

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