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He looks at the doctor, at his mouth saying the exact same thing, at his hands writing down the exact same results in his clipboard. Clenching his fist in what maybe a false hope or determination, Sousuke fought back to listen. In the end he sighed. Sitting in the same chair at the same clinic all at the same schedule all led him to hope for the best yet again. Hope for something he knows was somehow vague. Tiring cycle but he couldn't help himself. After all, it was his dream to swim again. It was his dream and as he looked over beside him, he was welcomed with the sight of you smiling warmly at him. Squeezing his arm while the other is intertwined in his lap. Chin on top of his shoulder with that soft smile dancing in your lips. He grinned. Everything suddenly aren't the same anymore. "You're doing great, Sousuke," you whispered. You repeated the phrase again, and the black haired swore he was soothed more than the doctor's words did. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, remembering what you told him when he felt like all is lost. When he was down and was at his worst. You had him in your arms back then, embracing him before he breaks even more. "Take me to your dream. I'll walk with you." He then opens his teal eyes. Promised internally. Someday.


So I have just watched episodes 5 and 6 of Free! Dive To The Future amd I couldn't be more happier to know i was one of the firsts to ever lay eyes on it. Ep 6 rocks and I almost tear the roof of our house down bc of my squealing. Believe me when i say this bc there was some LEGIT yaoi moment there. L.E.G.I.T. people, legit.

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