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Looking out into the ocean from the shore is calming, he himself said that. What the maroon haired never thought was it gets a whole different calmer when he looks out into the ocean, with you. It became more special than it already was. Your eyes, Rin observed, are more clearer, deeper than the crystal blue waters you admire looking at right about now. Your hair, being occasionally fanned by the wind creates more beautiful waves than the waters overlapping at each other. And Rin realized as he peeled his eyes off of the majestic view ahead of him only to steal glances here and there, you shine brighter than the sun about to set over the horizon. When you smiled as the water came in contact with your bare toes, looked at him even with your eyes smiling-Rin was out of breath. He has never seen such a beautiful sight. And in that moment, in his eyes it was you. "I love it here," you commented. Rin only nodded, his hands, tucked at the insides of his jacket pocket itching to hold your hand. He looked at you one last time, watched you smile. Instantly he smiled back. I'll take you here more often.

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