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For the umpteenth time, he explained the mathematical formula to you. Patient and calm, he repeated the steps with you still absorbing nothing at all. Hours had even passed but the more he talks, the more you find it harder to understand him. The more you realize you still haven't improved the slightest even with your boyfriend tutoring you for quite a while. "Rei," you sighed helplessly. "I don't really get it." The blue haired stopped talking, silently taking his glasses off. You thought he, too, has grown tired but then he chuckles, low and tender, looking up at you as he tucked lose strands of your hair in your ears. He smiled when his eyes slowly meets your tired ones. "Rest now. I got this," He whispered ever so softly. Before you could even shake your head in refusal, he cupped both your cheeks, gently circling his thumbs on your skin so as to help you calm down. As Rei expected, it worked as you closed your eyes and savored his touch. This always happens. Him taking care of what you can't; Him, finishing up what you couldn't. You always told him your thoughts about how unfair it was for his side but Rei, for once never mind. "It's fine," he mumbled, as if he have read your mind. "You can always depend on me."

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