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Walking home has never made you happier. How alone you were with certain things before changed now, with him in everything. With him. You looked away, glad of the blowing wind brushing your hair out of your face to cover your blushing cheeks. Your heart still beats, as fast as the first day Makoto Tachibana asked you to walk home with him together. It's just him, you chanted in your head. It's just him. Then ever so suddenly, your shoulders touched past each other. Your mind isntantly battled, no, he's something more. "Y/n?," he called out hesitantly. You turn your head to look at him, only to feel the warmest thing that's ever made contact with your skin as he took your hand, slender fingers intertwining with yours. "Is this okay?," He smiled at you. You tensed up, but the moment he rub his thumb across your palm, his touch relaxed you more than the wind, the waves crashing at the shore did to you. Feeling all warm and fuzzy, you squeezed his hand, smiling back to show whatever Makoto do, or will do, will be more than okay.

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