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Losing communication with you is the one thing Rin will always be afraid of the most everytime he has to fly to Australia. First time he did, your relationship barely made it and the maroon haired knows more than anyone else how much you cried every day and how broken you were trying to get in touch with him. It pains you, aches you to talk about it and not once did the brought the topic up because he was certain you will fight over it again. But quarrels come. Problems come. There's no way to avoid discussing the matter because Rin needs to train to Australia. He has to leave one way or another. You fought again. Rin left with a hole in his heart and not even the love for his passion could fill it. "Fine, Rin. Leave me again," the way you looked was clear to his memory, the silent beg in your voice, tears on the verge of pouring. Days passed by, weeks. It felt forever but it had only been a month. He stopped sending mails, stopped all his contacts with you. He gave you space and so did you, only making the distance pull you further apart. It was too late now. "It must be hard being with me," Rin would whisper, staring at a film he always had of you. In most days he would stare at it for an interminable amount of time but today he finally decided to let it go. "Sorry we never worked," he apologized, dropping the picture and watching it fall on the surface of the ocean before it sinks. Then he cried.

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