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Getting ready for the day, Ikuya slipped his school uniform on. He had woken up about an hour ago and it was solely because of you dialing him that he didn't sleep in. His mornings have been like that ever since you started dating. Since he found out that your voice was better than his alarm. It lulls him to rise from the bed, to take a shower and eat breakfast. Like a lullaby, it would snap him out of his slumber, something he will stay awake for, to just keep hearing you talk. He smiled at the thought. Only when he picked up his stuff did a smile made its way again to his lips when he put on his headphone, and smelled the faintest swiff of the scent of your shampoo along with it. He closed his eyes for a moment, catching the last of the distinct sweet smell. Very like you y/n, the torquoise-haired reminisced. "Now I'm missing her," he spoke to no one with a chuckle. Finally he was done. After locking the door, he walked further away from his apartment and fished his phone out of his pocket. He figured he should hear you speak one last time before he get to school. "Hello?" you answered right from the first ring. I love everything about you, Ikuya thought as he greeted you back. Everything.

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