Sports Jacket

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Warm. As you hug yourself tighter, you felt it, his warmth radiating and seeping through every cracks of your skin down to your bones. Your lips immediately pulled up into a smile as you finally saw him, the owner of the sports jacket that is currently hugging your body, emerge with the other swimmers in the platform. In the biggest tournament he has yet to have been in. You clenched a handful of the jacket. He gave it to you the last minute, left you with a hug so tender you can still feel up to now. "Haru!," you shouted as loud as you can, the crowd roaring with cheers as well you doubt if he could hear you. Surprisingly, all the noises are all blocked off of his ears the moment he heard you. He turned to where he knows you are, his ocean hues sparkling at the sight of his sports jacket a size too big against your figure. He smiled. "Good luck!," you hollered, almost throwing your arms in the air and managing to give him a thumbs up. His other friends cheered him on along with you now, too. He smiled wider, adrenaline pumping through his veins with the help of your motivation fire him up even more. Haru only swims free, but as the race starts, for the first time he thought he should win. What motivated him? You in his jacket.

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