Three Parted

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My lovely readers! We've reached 3k! Thank you so much for making this happen and for taking this journey with me--really, i'm all but elated. You gave me something worth to celebrate again, YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY, GENUINELY THE BEST. I love you and I don't deserve readers like you💙

So I was thinking what to put out for a 3k special aside from the lemon and fluff last time, and one specific idea came to mind. I hope everyone of you would like it because I plan to kind of promote my first book: Diabolik Thoughts, here, because all this achievement was so nostalgic to me it reminded me of it.

For those of you who don't know yet, Diabolik Thoughts was my very first book and it's a Character X Reader Oneshots book of the phenomenal anime Diabolik Lovers. Through this special, I was hoping you'll get to know it better and maybe, just maybe you support it as much as you support Eternal Thoughts.

The title above says it all, Three Parted, because this special will be having three parts. Three parts, since today marks the 3k reads of Eternal Thoughts. Aside from that fact, i'll be showing you my personal favorite chapters for each of the characters AND THERE ARE 10 OF THEM so i had to group them in 3 separate chapters.


Let's begin.

Enjoy, freebies

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Enjoy, freebies. I love you and tell me what you think.

(do not proceed and/or SKIP if you know nothing of the said anime. Either way you're welcome to read still)

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