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Eyes that of the deep blue ocean, that's what he has. Eyes you've never seen so eerie and blue, eyes that will always capture you over and over. It was that. It would take just that to have you melt, to have your mind spin like crazy, to fall in love each time. Just his eyes which have irises like the vast oceans would make you feel afloat with one look; just his orbs swarmed with different shades of blue would make you feel lost. And like how dangerous the waters can be, you drown in it, sink-there under the spell of Haruka Nanase's eyes. You would always tell him that; how beautiful his eyes are when for him, yours was the most beautiful he have ever seen. Yours, was the pair he would never get tired to look at, the pair, he would always stare at with every single time. He loves the way his face would reflect in your eyes and what he loves more is when he sees himself happy in it. Genuinely, in love kind of happy. It's only you who makes him feel that way. Only you who has eyes that tell thousands of emotions, a thousand more stories. And Haru knows it would always be him behind all that.

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