Beautiful Mess

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Undisturbed. Every time he's in his comfort zone, which is obviously the school's library that promised countless of books he's done reading with anyways, he's undisturbed. Calm. He has always been, to be honest. He has maintained that demeanor he thought he will always stay that way. When you came however, did all that get thrown out of the window. When you came, became close with him and almost get attached the first time around when he realized you share the same interests, specifically books, for the first time Rei Ryugazaki, the tactical, reserved and collected Rei Ryugazaki was disturbed. Like his tranquil thinking went spiralling to some abyss he can't resurface from. You didn't know every stolen glances you get from him, if not for the book he's burying his nose with every class or in every one of your reading sessions. The focus he usually pours out to his studies that ends up given all to you. His attention you effortlessly catch, his breath you'd always take away from him. All of it, it messes with his brain he couldn't think straight. But whether Rei admits it or not, you were that beautiful mess he'd screw his mind to over and over.

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