Zombie Apocalypse

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Sophie Foster woke up lying flat on her back, staring at the sky, and having a splitting headache. She picked herself up, dusted herself off, and looked around. She saw trees that surrounded her, indicating she was most likely in the forest. The only sound was her own breathing and the leaves rustling around. The air was very thin, and she reminded herself to breath slowly. It smelled bad, rotten almost, as if someone had left out their food for an exceedingly long time and left it there. Not knowing where to go, Sophie headed towards the sun, knowing it would give her more sunlight.

The woods didn't look familiar, and Sophie started to grow tired. She had tried to levitate but the air was so thin she only succeeded in wearing her energy out even more, so she continued to walk aimlessly until she saw a small town appear on the horizon.

Sophie took a deep breath and started to walk towards it. She didn't think about much, only trying to remember how she got here before she remembered what had happened before.

"Bring it on," Sophie said, confidently.

Oralie led her closer to the beach, so in case anything happened they would be in an open space and near water.

"Ready?" Oralie asked, still holding the cache.

Sophie nodded, not trusting her voice, and not wanting to talk to her.

Oralie rolled the cache to the center of her palm, the forgotten secret inside. Sophie took off her gloves and slid them in her pocket. Oralie took Sophie's hand and smiled softly, making Sophie itch to run away, but she stayed.

Oralie took her other hand and as soon as they touched, a blinding light consumed both of them.

"I'm so sorry, Sophie," along with shouts from behind her that belonged to her bodyguards, was the last thing she heard before everything went dark.

The next place Sophie woke up in was different, to say the least.

In front of a large house were people. Humans. Well, not just people, Ogres, Elves, Goblins, Dwarves, Gnomes, and there were other things to.

They were pale, some a pale green, but they were different. Savage.

They had ripped clothes and blood was all over them. They looked dead, maybe they were.

All Sophie could see was disaster. Elves minds kept braking from all the fighting and blood, Ogres were killing anything that got in their way, Goblins were trying to protect others, some getting killed in the process, Dwarves were popping up everywhere, running from everything, Gnomes were hiding as well, blending in with the plants, Humans used weapons to fight, shooting guns and trying to defend themselves, but sadly, they were the pray.

The pale people came after them and killed them, splattering blood everywhere. Sophie tried to close her eyes, but she couldn't take her eyes away from the scene.

Sophie watched as the Humans slowly turned into monsters, killing everything, going rouge.

After what seemed like forever everyone was either dead, or fatally injured. Except for one species, the monsters. They fed off the blood, their movements sluggish as they walked around aimlessly.

After that, the scene changed again. It was Oralie, lying in a bed, with a baby in her hands. Sweat covered her face and she was breathing hard. A man came up to her and put his hand over one of hers.

"It's time,"he said.

Oralie looked up, her eyes full of sorrow. She nodded hesitantly handing him the baby. He held it close as he stood.

"Take care of her,"Oralie pleaded.

"We will ", He responded, "remember, we have been planning this since you got pregnant."

Oralie nodded, "Goodbye," She whispered.

"Goodbye, Oralie, take care," and with that he was gone, racing off outside of the small cabin they were in.

That's the memory Sophie saw in the cache. The next thing she knew, she was in the middle of some random woods! She kept walking as she thought of the memory, only stopping when she realized how tired she was. She was barely even halfway there, so she knew there was no way to get there by tonight.

Sophie slumped on a tree that was behind a few bushes and started to think about the others. Where was her family? Her friends? Did they know where she was? Were they worrying? That's when common sense knocked Sophie in the head harder than a bramble ball.

Fitz! She could transmit to him!

Sophie mentally facepalmed before reaching out her consciousness. She stretched it out until she finally heard his thoughts.


Sophie? Is that you? Where have you been?! You can't just disappear like that!

I'm sorry. I don't know where I am, and I can't levitate or teleport, because there's no cliffs nearby, but I see a town a little further down, I'm in woods too, they don't look familiar and me and Oralie opened the cache, which is what I think got me here, but I don't know. It also smells rotten and I'm kind of freaking out since I just found out that there are these creepy monsters that apparently eat people. That's part of what I saw in Oralie's cache, by the way, I'll tell you the rest later but right now I just really want to know where I am and get out of here, but no one's here, I can't find anything to help me-

Sophie! Calm down, okay? We'll figure this out, together. First, I want you to look around, tell me what you see, can you do that? Fitz asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

Yeah, one second. Sophie opened her eyes and looked down, noticing she was wearing a purple tunic with black leggings and black boots that went up to her knees. She started to regret not wearing a cape as she shivered, the sun was going down soon. Sophie checked her pockets, which were empty, other than a pair of gloves that she had taken off after Oralie showed her how to turn off her enhancing powers. She looked around, not seeing much other than the bushes and trees. The ground was mostly dirt with a few spots of grass.

There's trees and bushes, the ground is mostly dirt, it's getting dark out, and there's a small town that I'm heading for, but I sat down because I got really tired.

Okay. I need to go get my dad to tell him what's happening, will you be okay for a little bit? Fitz asked. Sophie started nodding before realizing that her couldn't see her.

Yeah, I'll be fine. Sophie yawned as she felt Fitz disconnect their minds. Her eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. She closed her eyes, telling herself it was just until Fitz called for her. Unknowingly, Sophie fell asleep against the tree, not hearing Fitz's worried transmissions.

Posted- 1/29/21

Word count-1147

Have a great day loves, another chapter will be out in a bit! 

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