Zombie Apocalypse p.2

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Sophie dreamed she was in the woods, running. She didn't know what was chasing her, but she just kept running, not bothering to look back.

SOPHIE RUN! A voice screeched from somewhere. The voice seemed familiar somehow. It was a women's, but Sophie couldn't think of who it belonged to.

Suddenly, there was a log on the ground. Sophie tripped over it and tumbled to the ground. At first nothing came, and then something came leaping over the log. It was laughing manically as it stumbled around. Its blank eyes landed on Sophie and smiled with dirty teeth. It seemed like a mix of dirt and blood smeared across its teeth. The skin was very pale, and its hair was in black tangles. The clothes on its body were ragged and ripped.

"I found you." it whispered before walking toward her and bending down slowly in front of her face. Sophie was breathing hard and shaking violently as the creature stared her in the eyes. It smiled wider before leaping towards Sophie, hands reached out and mouth open.

Sophie woke up, startled and screaming. Taking a few deep breaths, she closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened.

Then, she realized two things. One, there was still screaming. Two, it was not her who was screaming.

Staying still, Sophie focused on the screams, trying to find out where they were. They didn't seem far away at all. The screaming calmed down in to panicked breathes and sobs.

"Please." A women's voice sobbed. Sophie could tell she was close but stayed hidden. What was she running from? Why was she so afraid? Is she safe? Sophie was about to come out of her hiding spot from behind the bushes to help her when she heard a scream and a growl. Sophie peeked out her head to see what had happened.

A monster from her dream and Oralie's forgotten secret was on top of the woman its teeth biting into her neck. Sophie put a hand over her mouth to stifle her gasp and scream. She scooted her back against the tree and curled up in a ball, burring her head in her knees and covering her ears. Tears streamed down her face as she sat there.

It seemed like hours before Sophie was sure the monster was gone but she still sat down where she was. She wanted to talk to someone.

Keefe. Her mind whispered. Had he woken up yet? Was he okay? Did he have a new ability yet? Is he hurt?

Keefe! Keefe, are you there? Please answer me! Sophie squeezed her eyes shut as she concentrated on the mental connection, hoping Keefe was awake.

Sophie waited. And waited. And then she did a little more waiting. She kept calling out to him until finally, Foster? Is that my imagination or is that really you? Sophie sighed in relief when she heard his voice.

It's me. Sophie transmitted.

Where have you been? Why didn't you answer Fitz? Are you safe? Are you hurt? Is it the Neverseen? What were those creatures you were talking about? How did you and Oralie open the- KEEFE! Sophie interrupted his rambling.

What? You've been missing for three days; I'm allowed to be worried! Sophies didn't hear anything for a minute and thought she might have accidentally severed their connection before she heard, I miss you.

Sophies breath caught, and she felt a fluttery sensation in her stomach. I miss you too. Then she remembered why she was in his mind. Keefe, something happened. Something really bad. The monsters that I told Fitz about... they're here.

What? Sophie you need to get out of there right now! Keefes mind clouded with worry and although Sophies heart swelled at the thought of him being worried about her, she really wished he would stop thinking so loud.

I would if I could, but I was too tired to try before and if I fail then all the monsters would know I was here, and I don't think I can levitate for long without passing out from exhaustion. Have you guys told the council about where I am yet? They might know where I am since it was one of Oralies locked away memories. I bet she knows where I am.

We're meeting with them right now. I can ask them if they know anything and tell you what they said if you want- No! Don't leave! Sophie blushed at her sudden interjection but still added, Please?

It's okay Fos- Sophie. For now, let's try to figure some stuff out. Can I ask you some questions? Keefe asked gently.


Okay, can you describe where you're at right now? While you're doing that, I'm going to tell everyone that you transmitted to me and ask the council if they know where you are, okay? Sophie opened her eyes after Keefe was done with his question, not bothering to answer him and looked around. It was night and she was still surrounded by the bushes. Shaking, she peered outside of one of them and immediately put a hand over her mouth.

The woman was laying in the grass looked younger than what Sophie had imagined maybe around her thirty's. Her long black hair was covered in mud and blood, sticking to the wound on her neck.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Sophie stepped over the body. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Sophie thought to herself as she continued walking toward the town.

Posted- 1/29/21

word count- 920

A bit of a shorter chapter than the last one but oh whale. Hope you enjoyed loves! 

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