The Orphanage p.3

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I walk to Vesperas room, still feeling the spiders crawl around me.

We never have many visitors. They only come around to watch how the children are doing or to pick up any kids that have powers.

There's never many kids with powers, sometimes none. Its very rare which is why I was confused when I manifested as a telepath at age five.

It took me a while to figure out how to block peoples thoughts and keep it a secret, but I got there.

If anyone were to find out I have powers I would surly be disposed of. No one should be this powerful from such a young age. It scares me to know I hold that power.

I stop at her room and knock. Once I hear her yell that I can come in, I walk in.

Miss Verspra is sitting on a chair in the room, reading a book. She closes it when she sees me.

"There you are. You're late." She raises a brow as if expecting me answer.

"I like you. You follow rules even though you may get in trouble for them. That's what I'm looking for for my workers. Of course, I could take you now and you could get to work straight away, but I would perfer if you got tested first to see if your one of those disgusting monsters first." I keep my head down, but my heart pounds.

I can't go with her. Vespera has a bad history with workers. People say shes killed a few of them. Experimented on them. Tortured them. She has no feeling for us, for anyone.

"So I'll ask Alina to make sure once your tested, you'll go straight to me, powers or not. If you don't have powers, you'll be a worker for me. If you do... well, I wouldn't want to spoil a good surprise." She smiles at me, as if we were have a conversation over a cup of tea.

"But that's all for later, for now I need you to tidy up this room. My clothes need washing, the floors need to be vacumed, the windows are to be washed, oh and I'll need something to eat so set the table and make something good. I'll be back by dinner."

Miss Vespera walked out of the room, her heels clicking down the hall as she left. I sighed and got to work right away. I moved stiffly around, doing every chore I can think of. I check the time and make some soup and set out bread for her. I finished setting the table just as she walks in.

I walked to the corner with my head down and stood there as she slipped off her heels and walked over to the table.

"Hmm... good cook I suppose. While I'm eating, I want you to polish my shoes." I head over to where she left her shoes and pull out a cloth form my uniform and begin the polish the pair of black heels.

Miss Vespera eats her soup and I wish I had snuck a sip of it while I was cooking as I tried to repress another grumble in my stomach.

I set the shoes down when I'm done, standing up once again. Miss Vespera was looking at my file on the table and I saw that all her soup was gone.

"Ah! perfect, your testing day is in a week! Just before I'm about to leave. I can take you home right away then."

My hands began to shake again and I resisted pulling out an eyelash, a nervous habit I've had ever since I was little.

"I've had no workers there for a month with powers, so maybe you'll be a nice change if you test positive."

Sometimes I feel like screaming. I haven't talked in ages. I want to use my voice.

"I'll fill you in on the rules at my house while we are driving so you can get right to work. I suppose you can have the old girls bedroom since she... had an accident." Miss Vespera sighed and got up.

"Go make my bed while I change then you can clean up, lock up and leave." She walked to the bathroom and I hurried to make her queen sized bed, fluffing the pillows as she walked back in.

"If you wake me up from cleaning, I'll make sure you'll never make the some mistake again, got it?" I nodded and waited in the corner until I was dismissed.

"I want you here right after your breakfast so you and me can arrange what will happen at my house and you can make my breakfast and help me get ready. That is all, you may go clean, lock up and leave."

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