(dark Sophie p.2)

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The next day was worse than the first. I managed to get Keefe to go home before Edaline and Grady got back but had to promise I wouldn't avoid anyone tomorrow, along with telling everyone what happened the next day at school.

I don't have a solid plan for tomorrow, only to avoid questions and be vague about that night.

When I got to Foxfire, I met with my friend group like usual. I smiled as Biana told me about her day yesterday and laughed when Dex said some stupid joke. 

I wanted my smiles and laughs to be real. I wanted today to be normal. I wanted to be able to be with friends and not want to run away with every fiber of my being, but that wasn't possible.

It felt wrong to be next to Biana and Fitz, laughing with them like I hadn't dumped their brother's body off Mount Everest two days ago. The words were at the tip of my tongue every second, waiting to be released but never were. I couldn't tell anyone. Especially not them. 

Morning announcements went by quickly, the moment the day started to slow down was when I was walking to my first class.

"So Sophie, you exited for more congate training? Sir Tiergan said we would be taking our training to the next level today." Fitz said as we walked down the hall to our gym class, the one class all of us shared other than lunch.

Oh shit. 

How am I supposed to keep a literal murder a secret when Fitz is inside my head? He'll be able to hear every thought and go through all my memories. He's going to find out.

How do I get out of this?

"Apparently not, Fitzy. Foster's emotions don't exactly scream "exited" right now," Keefe looked over to me, "Looks like someone's got a secret." He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, but we both knew he was being serious. He thought something was wrong yesterday and now my panic of Fitz being in my head for the first time in years had confirmed it. 

I ignored him, walking into the gym and going straight to the locker room to change into my gym clothes. I meet with all my friends on the court, where everyone waits for class to start. They seemed to not notice Keefe's comment and for that I was thankful.

"Anyone know what we're doing today?" Marella asked. 

Although Marella wasn't there that night, I have no doubt she knew every detail she could know about what happened. Marella has a way to find out about anything she wants to, and in her case, that's everything.

"I heard we're practicing levitation today," Dex said.

An idea formed in my mind. A bad idea, but unfortunately I didn't have any good ones. The dread built up in my stomach. I didn't want to do it but I didn't have any other choices. 

Keefe looked my way with a creased eyebrow so I forced the moths in my stomach to calm down a bit and tried to think of something else. Keefe started to walk closer to me anyway.

Stupid empaths.

"You good there Foster? Your emotions aren't all sunshine and rainbows like they usually are." 

"Yeah, I just don't like levitating, thats all."

"You're good at levitating, there's no reason to be nervous." I could sense Keefe's doubt but ignored it.

"I know, I haven't practiced in a while, I'm sure I'll be fine." He left it at that, but I could feel him watching me as we all spread out in the ridiculously large gym to begin practicing.

"Okay! Today we will be practicing our levitation. You all have done this before, so I'll just let you get started, if you need any help, just call me over. You may begin!" The gym teacher called out from the front of the gym.

I start my plan by making my levitation look a little wobbly, doing shortfalls, and making my expression look as though I was really trying to concentrate to make sure the next part will be believable. Even though I'm sure no one except Keefe is looking at me, but I don't look over at him to check.

We've been practicing for twenty minutes and there are about thirty minutes left in gym class, so now would be a good time to do it. 

Trying not to lose my nerve, I rise up higher than I have before. If I'm going to do this, I need to be sure it'll work. I take a deep breath and don't look down.

In three...



I close my eyes and let myself fall to the ground.

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